Keep track of dates, locations, products, metrics and goals - this is the core of what Zevents was built to help you manage.
Schedule and track your past and future events in a flexible calendar view. You can even sync with your Google Calendar.
Visualize your world domination on a map! Filter the map by people, regions, markets, dates and more.
Track metrics like customers engaged, handouts, facebook likes, purchases, and expenses.
Makes sure your field teams have everything they need for their events by submitting material orders.
Easily upload files like PDFs, photos, forms, print media. There’s a shared box accessible by your whole team, and a private one just for you.
Email event information to anyone who needs to be in the loop, and including event metrics is a cinch.
We built Zevents to be customizeable. Define your own metrics, markets, event types, materials, shipping info, sample types, products, and forms.